The Tragedy of the Commons

The Tragedy of the Common is a fundamental environmental issue and most of the really difficult environmental problems are in some way related to it.

I'd like to thank the academy

Our friends over at Soho the Dog have handed us the distinguished and no doubt highly coveted "Premios Dardo" award.

Obama’s hapaxes

Counting words in Barack Obama's inaugural address to find words used for the first time.

Analyzing Photoshop Vibrance and Saturation

Just what in the heck is vibrance anyway?

Kensignton Mine at the Surpeme Court

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments yesterday in a case involving the Kensington Mine between Juneau and Haines Alaska, which would like to discharge mine tailings into Lower Slate Lake effectively killing the lake.

Winter Solstice

We are finally over the hump and days are getting longer once again. We've earned an extra 23 seconds today, tomorrow it will be 36. I'll be traveling a bit for the holidays so the posts are going to be few and far between until the new year.

Weekend Nerd Diversions

Math and visual representations of mathematical ideas is something of a hobby for me. One of my favorite tools for this is Nodebox.

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