Northrop Frye on the Pursuit of Beauty

While the pursuit of beauty may offer temptation to the ego, deliberate avoidance of beauty is simply the other side of the coin and does not offer an escape from this same temptation.

Licensing the Public Domain to the Public

Museums asserting copyright over the works of long-dead masters.

Back home in Alaska

Some interesting items in environmental news today. The Natural Resources Defense Council along with an impressive coalition of conservation groups has released…

Converting MrSID GIS files

Extracting visual data from MrSID seamless image databases.

Hermann Broch on Kitsch

On some very provocative essays about art from Hermann Broch.

A defense of romanticism

Romanticism, landscape photography, and Isaiah Berlin.

Point of View in Photography

Looking at two photographs of the same subject, shot on the the same day, by the same photographer, but from two contrasting points of view.

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