(907) 854-8077 · Salon des Refusés
Why would a major news organization with its many resources choose the stock photo rather than finding a photo, any photo, of the actual conditions? The answer is simple:
Out of town
Heading out on a couple quick trips to Wyoming and Texas
Photography & Social Media
As new social media outlets sprout like weeds I have found myself developing a new rule when dealing with them: I'm not uploading my images to your servers. Sure, I may post an iPhone shot or something similar…
Memos of Monument
Conservation has always been controversial. Well, not always: the creation of the National Park System represented a rare confluence of the monied interests, like the railroads, and political support. But it's unlikely this could ever happen today.
Merrill Pass
If I ever meet Murphy, I'm gonna kick him in the ’nads. These photos are an attempt to snatch something, anything really, out of the clenches of Murphy's Law.
Hier wird nach den Regeln nur eingelassen.
History is full of attempts to codify beauty. The meistersingers referenced in the quote above are a good example and in fact have a lot in common with the kind of advice you get in magazines, workshops…
Casual Print Hanging
If you make your own prints then you've probably been in my position. I make a few prints, I'm not really sure if I like them, put them in a box between tissue paper and forget about them.
Outtakes from Summer
It's a good day for photo editing and I'm focusing on images from summer to remind myself that although winter is long here, it does eventually pass and when it does it's worth the wait.
Three quotes on photography
Adams allows for the happy accident of the machine, which opens the possibility that you might be confronted one day by an excellent photograph made without human intent. Perhaps you would find a very lucky shot from a traffic or security camera