(907) 854-8077 · Anchorage G Street Outtakes
Travel photography tends to be about capturing the differences you find, either in the landscape or culture or food, between what you live with and what you find when go somewhere else. This makes a travel piece about your home town a challenge…
Hotel Window Five Ways
Lubbock, Texas, May 2010.
Fire your congressional representatives—follow up
The Supreme Court ruled on the case United States v. Stevens today that I wrote about last year. They struck down the law that made depictions of animal cruelty illegal.
In the land of the one-eyed artist
It turns out that a significant number of people, around ten percent of the population, are stereo blind—they lack the ability to gather depth information using the parallax difference between the eyes.
Merrill Pass
If I ever meet Murphy, I'm gonna kick him in the ’nads. These photos are an attempt to snatch something, anything really, out of the clenches of Murphy's Law.
Three quotes on photography
Adams allows for the happy accident of the machine, which opens the possibility that you might be confronted one day by an excellent photograph made without human intent. Perhaps you would find a very lucky shot from a traffic or security camera
Ctein—is it art?
Like many difficult questions, the problem is not the evasive answer, but rather the muddled question. The question 'what is art?' asks for a definition.
The aesthetics of print size
Huge prints are de rigueur for the landscape photographer and photographers often overlook the value of the small print.
Why do we categorize photographs the way we do? How did we settle on classifications like still-life and landscape photos rather than dark vs. light photos, or photos of man-made vs. natural things, or photos taken vertically vs. horizontally?