Slow Month for the Journal

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by · Posted in: website business · media

I have just finished shooting the first week of a five week assignment in Texas for the Department of Agriculture's National Resource Conservation Service. I'll be editing photos and preparing to spend the next four weeks in Texas shooting almost non-stop. The first five days have offered some unique photography challenges and have been a fascinating education about resource management from an agricultural point of view. Because of the nature of media and politics, we often get a distorted view of environmentalism that suggests there are only two camps in opposition over either using resources or protecting them when in fact most people who are actually working on the land are concerned both with developing resources and at the same time embracing new methods and technology that allow them to operate sustainably. It's a middle ground that is overlooked. This is a long way of saying that things will be very slow here until June. If you are interested in the minutia and little details, I'll be posting to our facebook page as time allows.